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> Nouvelle version de Virtual Dub
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Nouvelle version de Virtual Dub

Nouvelle version de virtual dub, logiciel vidéo pour couper, réencoder, multiplexer, ... de l'audio et de la vidéo.

Voici les changements et améliorations :

Current build (Version 1.5.5):
[features added]
* Partial Unicode support -- you can now open and save files using Unicode filenames.
* "Chroma smoother" video filter refilters point-sampled chroma with linear interpolation.
* Single-stream cut & paste. (Be patient....)
* Improved performance of AVI parser, particularly for Direct mode streaming.
* Improved performance of bicubic upsampler.
* Audio filter graph now shows intermediate audio formats on connections.
* Audio filters can now be plugins.
* New MPEG-1 video core (Meia) -- full vertical clipping. Horizontal clipping is still by macroblock.
* Rewrote display code -- DirectDraw support is now automatic.
* Log windows now have a context menu for clearing, copying, and saving the log text.
* Modified AVI2 indexing to relax indexing restrictions somewhat, although it's still not user configurable yet.

[bugs fixed]
* Hex editor occasionally displayed the wrong data after a find or save command.
* "Attach extension" option didn't work for signpost save dialog.
* Fixed crash when I/O errors occur during a processing operation, and then occur again when attempting to gracefully finalize the partial output file.
* "Clear" didn't work in audio filter graph.
* Fixed I/O errors when attempting to push audio forward with advanced audio filtering enabled.
* "Go to" command didn't handle timestamps with fractional seconds that only had 1 or 2 decimal digits.
* "General convolution" generated bad code for factors of 2, 4, and 8 when dynamic compilation was enabled.
* Interleave periods of zero are no longer allowed.
* Added workaround for crash or hang when compressing with the "3ivx D4 4.0.4" video codec.
* Fixed non-interleaved save mode and made it cooperate with segmentation.
* Added workaround for heap corruption when processing audio in advanced mode sourced from some versions of Avisynth.
* Clarified DivX warning to note that it doesn't apply to the DivX 4+ codecs.
* Fixed filter cropping not working properly when "motion blur" was the first filter in the chain.

Source : SN

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Rédigée le mercredi 1 octobre 2003 à 17h47 par Michaël Mulkens
Source : infomods

Groupe : Invités

Posté le 01/10/2003 à 21:40

A noter que cette version est une release


Dernière visite : 20/04/2011
Groupe : Membres

Posté le 01/10/2003 à 21:43


oups ... oublier de me logguer et mauvaise manip  Image IPB
je disai donc que cette version était une release experimental :
"This is the executable package for the newest, experimental version of VirtualDub. Use this version if you don't mind hitting a new bug once in a while and want to try out the cutting edge version. Check the changelog for details."


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