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Sauvegardez vos dvd facilement !

Une nouvelle version de DVD Rebuilder est disponible, il s'agit de la version 0.91 Beta. Ce logiciel vous permettra de réaliser des backup de vos DVD9 en un seul click en utilisant un encodeur professionnel : CCE (Cinema Craft Encoder) qui offre une qualité vraiment étonnante.

Voici le changelog :

· Corrected "Runtime Error 6" during REBUILD on sources that have very large TMAP tables in the IFO file.
· Added code to inhibit the "...is already small enough to fit " warning when using the "No Compression" mode.
· Made a change to OPV prediction routines that will significantly improve output sizing on certain types of movies.
· Removed the restriction that limited output size to 100% of the original. There are rare occasions in which additional processing (e.g. frame resizing/filtering) may need additional bandwidth that is made available through extra reduction or movie-only modes. Generally, though, it is best to use "No Compression" mode on sources that would hit 100% or greater.
· Added code to include a "(DC)" to the description of audio and/or subtitle streams if they are flagged as director's comments. Also added a "(F)" to subtitles that are forced.
· Corrected an error in which very rarely, under a specific set of circumstances, a 4:3 source (that has some portion of its stream flagged as 16:9) could incorrectly change the aspect ratio to 16:9 in the IFO file.
· Changed the default background color to one that is more standard. The background color only applies to skins that have no graphic that fills the background (like "Windows Standard").
· Corrected an error in which retail versions of CCE 2.67 before v2.67.0.27 would set the wrong value for "video_type" in the ECL and perform OPV rather than multipass encoding.


Source : Techconnect

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Rédigée le mercredi 25 mai 2005 à 10h11 par Michaël Mulkens
Source : infomods

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